Saturday, October 29, 2011

Japanese hosts

      Recently I went to Shinsaibashi, in Osaka, Japan and I came upon what are known as 'hosts.' In Shinsaibashi, one of the most famous places for hosts, you can look around and see them and their clubs everywhere. To elaborate further, a host is a male that works at a club to entertain women. They serve drinks to women, sit and have conversations with them, and try to make the woman fall in love with them. Hosts are not prostitutes although if the pay and the customer is right, they probably would consider it. Their jobs are basically to make women feel happy and loved. They are male servants basically. Do not get the wrong image though and think that these guys are trashy as they are some of the richest men in Japan, if they have a lot of  customers. They can make thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks.
       When walking around Shinsaibashi, it is not hard to find or spot these men. They usually stand on the famous bridge of Shinsaibashi, and they wear rather distinct outfits. Their hair, usually very spiky and stylized. There shoes very long and pointy. Almost, elven quality shoes. Their attire, usually a black suit or very dark clothes and jeans with lots of expensive bling bling. Usually you will see them with sunglasses on and smoking a cigarette. You can only find them in the night though, as they do work at a night time club. As required by Japanese law now though, they are supposed to shut down between 12 midnight and 2 AM, but I am fairly certain, you could get into one of these clubs later than that.

       Now, I have never been in a Host Club, as I cannot speak Japanese that well and because it would just be way to expensive, and embarrassing. I have though found I delightful documentary on the life of a Host bar owner. The documentary is called: The Great Happiness Space: A Tale of an Osaka Love Thief. I would seriously recommend this video who is interested in learning about what really goes on in these clubs and what the lifestyle of a Host is. I have watched it twice already in the last month, because it fascinates me so much! Other than this video, there is no real other way to know how these men opperate unless you go into  the club. If you don't want to go in or can't afford it though and you are in Japan. I suggest you should at least go check out what these guys look like. It is a unique aspect of Japanese culture in itself.

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