Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey guys! My name is McKenna and I want to invite you all to enjoy and comment on my blog about living in Japan. I am a 3rd year, Japanese major, although I still consider Japanese to be very difficult. In Japan, I will be living with a host family, two parents (both 35) and a younger brother (4), and I will be attending Kwansei Gakuin University. Before I begin writing this blog though, I want to mention why I am doing so. Well.. I received the Freeman-Asia scholarship to attend class in Japan, and as a project I decided to blog and take video and pictures of my time here in Japan to inform you of what it is like. I hope you will enjoy these as writing a blog is very time consuming, and I would much rather be out and about exploring rather than sitting on my computer all day. I will try to make my writings interesting and hopefully amusing to, as I will probably make many mistakes here in Japan. It is my first time in Japan so wish me good-luck!!

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